Monday, October 1, 2012

Small victories along the way...

Hey Folks! I've seen so many wonderful pictures from the BOOBS weekend and know that you all had a wonderful time.  I'm sorry I had to miss this year, but at least I have the memories of the two previous wonderful weekends! Love seeing the pictures on FB, keep them coming!
It was Homecoming week at my children's school.  My oldest son and my step-daughter are seniors and my oldest plays football, so it was a jam packed week for us.  I'm glad it's over! As a senior football mom, I was very busy, we did a skit for the pep rally and decorated the float and we went to the Homecoming dance to have one dance with our sons that night. 
On January 22, 2010, I was waiting to get banded and I wrote a blog post entitled:
"Tell me what you want, what you really, really, want..."
In that post, I listed my top 10 reasons for wanting the band, they were:

10. To no longer be obese.
9. To feel comfortable in my clothes.
8. To get my blood pressure under control.
7. To take a beach vacation and not feel inclined to wear at tent!
6. To adjust the seat in my car without having to move my butt to one side to get my arm down there!
5. To no longer know the Muffin man! (he lives above my waist)
4. To weigh less than my husband.
3. To wear a football mom shirt and not feel so out of place.
2. To weigh less than the average starting lineman on any given Sunday.
And the number one thing I want from the band....
1. For my personality to be bigger than my butt!

Well, most of those things have happened for me. 
10. On the BMI chart, I'm still considered obese, by .5, but I've lost 10 BMI points since I was banded.
9. check and I can shop in regular stores!
8.I'm off one blood pressure medication and my numbers are excellent.
4.that was a check, until Paleo Man got all svelte on me, but it will be again!
3.check, see photo below

My oldest and me at the pep rally, right after the Senior Mom skit.  I wasn't the smallest mom out there, but I wasn't the biggest either, and I felt pretty's good to blend in !

2.check butt's not small...but my personality is bigger!
I've spent so much of the last year beating myself up for not losing more weight, for losing my mojo and for so many other things.  I need to give myself a little credit for how far I've come and for the fact that in a year's time, my weight has not fluctuated more than five pounds.  That's a big deal and I need to look at it that way.  I need to cleanse myself of these negative thoughts and just do what used to work for me.  It will work again.
Now on to a few cute pics from Homecoming!

My oldest son and his girlfriend.

My youngest and his date.
My step daughter opted out of Homecoming, as her boyfriend goes to another school.

And this is me and my senior football players and their moms dance.
I'm looking forward to a slower paced week ahead of me. I'm thankful for my wonderful family and thankful for the stamina to keep up with such a busy, eventful week. And, I'm thankful for my band!
I hope you all have a great week!
Big Hugs!


Darlin1 said...

You are sooooooo RIGHT ON.....Tessie Rose!


Anonymous said...

You are just beautiful inside and out! Love you ♥

#fatfreefloozy said...

What gorgeous boys you have and their dates are beautiful as well! Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of how well we have done because we are so focussed on the finish line! Glad you took the time to turn around and look at how much you have achieved!

MandaPanda said...

You look gorgeous!! And your sons are growing up to be so handsome. Your face is just beaming with pride :)

speck said...

Isn't it easy to focus on the things we think we haven't accomplished! But you reminded yourself of that and thought positive. That's what it is all about!

You look great in the picture with your son. It looks like you are at goal!
