Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 2 for sassy new hair do....not too sassy!

Why can't I get my hair to be cute like it is when I leave the hairdresser? I makes me crazy. So, today, I'm not feeling it. I did everything right, my hair is rarely affected by the weather, it just gets straighter with humidity. My hair is like the pair of jeans that fit so good in the store, then you get them home and all hell breaks loose. When I try on jeans, they must think I'm doing gymnastics in the dressing room, I sit, stand, squat, get myself in every imaginable position to make sure the jeans are right.....every position except for the one that I get in the moment I pull the tags off! So, as soon as I figure out how to fix the sassy new do, it's a sassy new don't!


Tina said...

I hate that too! Sometimes I wish they wouldn't style it in the salon so that I wouldn't have the disappointment later. Air-dry from the very beginning.

Alison said...

It's the same for me too, I can never recreate what they do. In fact without straighteners I wouldn't be able to leave the house!

THE DASH! said...

Grrrr.. I know exactly what you mean. I have 'new hair' and its taking some doing to keep it straight .. the stupid curl just wants it to spring it up all the time. The longer you wear the style the easier it will get to have it looking salon great. I'm getting there!

Bonnie said...

Now see, if you had posted a picture we could have given you some helpful hints on how to get your sassy do back. It's all in the product. :-)

Girl Bandit said...

I need a picture...but I get you