Well folks, I survived the weekend, but barely! My son's out of town football game was quite the adventure. I rode with a couple of other parents, we met at 2:30 and headed out, there was very heavy traffic and we got to the game right at 7:00 we did stop to eat, but it should have only taken about 3 hours. Then on the way home, things are moving along great and suddenly traffic stops, we sit there for 1 hour, there was a terrible accident on the Atchafalaya Bridge (it is a 26 mile long bridge over the Atchafalya Basin --cue banjo's from Deliverance!) with fatalities, so the traffic was not going to move. We drove on the shoulder and took an exit, got on another highway and realized an hour into it, that the bridge was closed that way too (the Atchafalaya Swamp, is huge) . Long story short, we ended up having to drive through parts of Louisiana I didn't know existed, hit 2 opossums, saw a fox and smelled countless skunks! I got home at 5:00 am on Saturday! I was so tired, but I had to clean my house and get ready for the party at my house Saturday night. I did and all was well, it was a fun party!
My hubby was at the deer camp for a work weekend, so he wasn't home. He called me Saturday to let me know he'd had an accident. He was strapping something to his four wheeler when the bungee chord slipped and hit him directly in the eye. He got home on Sunday and I brought him to see an eye doctor. He's really hurting and his eye looks terrible. It's was quite an injury, he had some bleeding on the retina, major swelling in the eye, which has affected his vision as well. It was really scary. But oh Lord, it could have been so much worse! He went to the Eye Dr. again today and got stronger steroid drops, he said it's feeling better now.
In other news my boys got home Sunday, they were with their dad from Wednesday through Sunday, it makes for a long weekend when they are away. They went alligator hunting this weekend and I thought I'd share a couple of pictures, so you can compare us to "Swamp People" on TV! DISCLAIMER for those not raised in the South: Just so you know, Alligators are plentiful and a nuissance. Just about every part of the gator gets used, the hide, the meat, even the skull, teeth and claws (for lovely souvenirs!)
On the band front. My restriction is still good, but not too tight. Today I'm hungry, but I swear I think work just makes me hungry. I weighed this morning and even after a weekend of party food and wine, I'm just 1.5 over my lowest of 205. I feel pretty confident that the 1.5 will soon be gone too and I can move into uncharted waters....Oh onderland, why must you elude me?
I hope you all have a great day, Chicago is right around the corner, I can't wait. Just a word to those going for the first time. Dont' stress about a dress for Saturday night, there will be some of everything, some people (Joey) will look like runway models. I'm wearing a dress I already have, you are going to have fun no matter what you're wearing and I promise, there will be some people dressier than you and some people more casual than you! Just be ready to enjoy! Can't wait!!
Big Hugs,
I've been through parts of LA that I didn't know existed...but never in the middle of the night. Did you bring the opossums home for gumbo? My family would have! :)
Eeeek! What craziness. I can agree about those gators. It's scary as hell when you're canoeing and one of those bigass critters makes a huge splash right behind you. Freaky. Hope your husband feels better soon.
Scary pics...gators!!! Looks like they got'em all!!! Hope DH is doing fine now, and glad the fill is helping.
I love the gator pics. I will never get that close to one so thanks for sharing. Ummm...5 am. I would have passed out on the lawn.
Tell your honey to get better soon.
That's one heck of a trip home! Ugh! I would have done what Dawnya suggested and just roll out of the car and sleep on the grass.
And OUCH on the eye thing! I worry about that crap all the time with Ryan, when he's out hunting around. Tell him to get better soon!!
It's so easy down here to get end up on those back roads you didn't know existed...getting home at 5 am I don't think I would have had the energy to clean my house! Glad your husband's eye is feeling better!
Yikes! I wouldn't get in a pit full of gators but that's just me...
OMG!!! I'm so worried about John! Give him a little extra love for me.
And talk about the ride home from hell!!! Good god woman, that sucks!
the aligator pictures... well I'm chosing to ignore those... they scare me and I just can't think too hard about it.
So sorry to hear about Johns eye. I almost went blind by getting hit in the eye with a clothespin of all things. When I hear about bleeding in the eye it scares me to death! I am glad he is under medical supervision and seems to be doing better!
See you in a few weeks roomie!
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