It's time to have one of those talks with myself. You know the one, the one that goes like this...
Self: Look, you and I both know that you are not hungry, this is all in your head.
Self: Yeah, but for some reason I really want to eat, you know like the good old days.
Self: The good old days? Are you high, what was good about them? Sure you could eat with wild abandon, but it was always followed by the awful remorse, the shame, the sugar hang over.
Self: I know you're right, that's why we got the lap band, so that we could have some help when things got like this. Why do they still have to get like this.?
Self: Because, we're only human. Everyone has those times when we're scared or sad or lonely or angry or any emotion that we don't want to feel, it's only natural to reach for the old favorite anesthesia. We'll get past this.
Self: What if we don't what if it's bigger than us, what if we can't stop ourselves and we start to binge again, what then?
Self: Again, that's why we got the lap band remember? Remember the last time we thought we could "binge" yeah, not so much. Pearl has our back.
Self: You're right, I just feel a little out of sorts, I'm sure it's hormones.
Self: Isn't it always hormones? Hang in there, tomorrow will be better.
Self: Yeah, you're right. I'm glad half of us is sensible.
Self: Me too, we can do this, just read the blogs of others, they've felt the same way, they got through it too. It's not the end of the world if we eat a few chips, count it, plan for it. Big changes can be made one little step at a time.
We feel better now, how about you? One step closer to Friday, can't wait.
Big Hugs,
I wonder how many of us are in this spot? Have been having a similar conversation all day!!!
Thanks for reminding myself not to drown my woes in candy. It's a good reminder.
Love it!
Amen, hun. I needed this. Thank you.
Ohhhhh, I've been having that little talk with the "self" who lives in my house with me... I think she thinks I'm a "Peanuts Parent" because all she hears is "mwa mwa.. Mwa, mwa, mwa..."
Great post!
Wine helps and I have yet to get stuck on wine. I feel your sentiments. Sometimes I just want to stuff my face. Weird how our brains revert to that primitive state. Tomorrow is a new day.
Great post. I think we all deal with this internal conflict.
Good talk.
I love it when you talk to yourself...then I'm not the only one talking to myself, Draz and Sheniqua....
Wish I had read this before I had M&M's for lunch.
A good reminder for all of us.
wow this is a shockingly familiar conversation
You nailed it! I too have days like this. You're right, tomorrow will be better. I agree with Sandy, wine helps me too ;=)
I was having this same talk to myself walking through Walmart, going down the chip isle, and again going down the Valentine candy isle, oh and as I was standing in front of the deli case. Today, healthy me won and I didn't buy any junk. Tomorrow is another day. I have had to learn to take things one day at a time. I can't promise what will happen tomorrow, but today I didn't binge. Thank you for sharing this. It feels so good to know I'm not alone!
LOL.. how many of us have had that talk with outselves.. consider it a break steps.. be well
Ive given you an award!! Pop over and get it!
At least whe we talk to ourselves, we know there is alway someone to answer us :o)
love it - that was a great talk! ;)
so good..I need this talk so often.
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