Monday, February 21, 2011

It's definitely Monday!

Hi guys. I had a good weekend, lots of activity and fun times. And then, today I'm back at work, trying to stay focused, when I get an e-mail from the girl in my Attorney's office. My ex-husband is being a real jerk, still fighting over child support issues and well, it just really makes sad. He just sues me for everything and now is trying to hold me in contempt for something that is just plain stupid, but, stupid or not... I still have to pay a lawyer to take care of it and it still stresses me the hell out! I hate when things like this happen, I get stressed I get tight and I get stressed and I want to eat, it's not a very good combination.

On a happier note, this coming weekend is a big Mardi Gras event, one that I have had to keep secret. I will share with you what it is when it's over. I'm getting nervous and excited. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I did, it was very busy. I'm ready for a little down time. Take care.
Big Hugs!


Sally Hamilton said...

Isn't it amazing - and not always in a good way - how outside forces can have such a physical effect on us. The Mardi Gras event sounds intriguing!

LDswims said...

I was wondering when we'd hear more about the secret. I haven't forgotten! I suspect I have an idea on what it is, too...

That sucks about the ex. I understand the stress and the perpetual circle that puts you in. Hang in there and use us as much as you need. I'm so sorry you have to endure such things!


Amanda Kiska said...

So sorry, sweetie. What an ass!

Just be glad that he's no longer a daily part of your life. He sounds like a miserable human being! I'm so glad you are away from that influence!

Bonnie said...

Looking forward to hearing more about Mardi Gras. Hope karma bites your ex in the ass soon. Although, him being an ass and losing you is a big old bite.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are still having to deal with your ex einstein. I call my ex a snow blower because he used to snort cocaine! Dumb asses! I hope things work out in your favor. Sorry we have to miss next weekend. I am so bummed. Next time, I hope!

Jacquie said...

What a freakin nuisance! I am also having lawyer/suing issues with my ex. When will it ever stop? Just remember, at the beginning and the end of everyday, you have a great guy now and the headache's that happen during the day WILL go away eventually!

Have a wonderful time this weekend....can't wait to hear the details!

Susan said...

Can't wait to hear about Mardi Gras!

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Send me your ex. I will have Draz kick him in the balls.

Read said...

I totally am NOT in love with your ex - what a total ass. Can't we all just move one by now. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful guy now!! And I'm tingling with curiosity about the secret!!