Monday, August 15, 2011

Dear Teacher, the weekend ate my accountability!

Yeah, pretty much all of my reserve went out the window this weekend. I ate and drank like it was job! Sigh! I'm in a rut. I got up this morning and exercised, but not without a huge fight with my self first. This weekend wasn't a total loss, I'm still eating way less than I used to, but I drank 2 bottles of wine over the weekend. I got plenty of exercise, on Saturday and my house, I mean really cleaning, baseboards and all. Man are my legs sore! That should count for something. But, I know I didn't make good food choices and the sad thing is, I really didn't care about it. Well not until I got on the scale this morning. It would appear that the scale can only move in one direction and that is up!

Today is a new day. Clean slate! Read is on the accountability wagon too, so there's safety in numbers, right? Hey Read, I need directions for the 5 day pouch test! I have no choice but to do better. I want to do better. I want to reach my goal weight. I used to feel so sure that I could do, I'm not so sure. But for today, I'm going to do better, I'm going to eat better and move more and I'm going to stop letting the scale make me feel like a failure. So, there!

Happy Monday y'all!
Big Hugs,


Cece said...

T ~ glad you're back on board with a new, clean slate ! Us not-as-young-as-we-used-to-be gals need to stick together ! Besides, in my little mind - if you cleaned baseboards - you deserve some wine !

Beth Ann said...

I let go a little (a lot) too much while my mom was here. Now it is time to get back on the wagon. It seems that I'm getting on that dang thing a lot! If I could only STAY on there!

MandaPanda said...

The weekends are always so tough to me to stay accountable. I thought having a weigh day on Monday would do it but no luck. I'm also really bad about my water on weekends so I think I'm always retaining for my weigh in too.

Joey said...

That fu*king SCALE! Maybe the hubs should hide it again?

Anonymous said...

I cheated a bit yesterday too. I had a small margarita, chips and hummus, and an ice cream cone. My scale was up a few ounces too. You have to live. I get tired of always having to watch everything I put in my damn mouth. I hear you and I'm sorry. I hope you have a better day. XOXOXO

Read said...

okay - I agree with Cece (baseboards totally equal wine!!) and Joey (John should take your scale!!!!). but yay to the clean slate!! Today is what we have, right? It's the only thing we have - and we need to do the very best for ourselves today, right now, in fact!!

For the 5 day pouch test go to: and it will guide you through! Good luck! and thanks for the kick in the ass!!

Read said...

So! Here I am texting you earlier today and I didn't even thank you yet for your amazingly kind words today. They totally made me smile - Brad especially liked the "Gin and tonic the size of Lake Pontchartrain" part. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
